Dead space volume/tidal volume ratio
Part of the lung function test. Two days before the examination, all the drugs for bronchodilation should be stopped, such as Shuchuanling, Bangfu, Meipuqing, aminophylline, Shufumei Lehui, Asami, Aichuan, etc., otherwise it will affect test result. Basic Information Specialist classification: Respiratory examination classification: pulmonary function test Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: No clinical significance. Normal value: Normal value: 0.3-0.4 Above normal: An increase in the ratio indicates a decrease in effective ventilation. negative: Positive: Tips: All bronchodilators should be discontinued two days before the test. Normal value 0.3 to 0.4. Clinical significance An increase in the ratio indicates a decrease in effective ventilation. High results may be diseases: obstructive emphysema, emphysema precautions Two days before the examination, all the drugs for bronchodilation should be stopped, such as Shuchuanling, Bangfu, Meipuqing, aminophylline, Shufumei Lehui, Asami, Aichuan, etc., otherwise it will affect test result. Inspection process Each time you exhale, the first breath is the inhalation gas filled in the respiratory tract at the end of the last exhalation, and then the alveolar gas. Therefore, the portion of the gas that is inhaled in the respiratory tract at the end of each breath is exactly the first exhaled gas that is not mixed with the alveolar gas and is not involved in gas exchange, and the amount is the volume of the anatomical cavity. Not suitable for the crowd Unsuitable for people: people who have recently taken bronchodilators. Adverse reactions and risks It generally does not cause complications and harm.
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