Forced expiratory volume in one second
The amount of forced exhalation in one second is the end of deep inhalation, and the amount of force exhaled at the fastest speed. In the case of airway obstruction, the amount of forced exhalation in one second <forced vital capacity, obstructive ventilatory disorder, forced exhalation in one second, prolonged exhalation time, and exhaled time in restrictive ventilation disorder. The ratio of forced expiratory volume and forced vital capacity in one second can reflect the type and extent of ventilatory disorders. Basic Information Specialist classification: Respiratory examination classification: pulmonary function test Applicable gender: whether women are fasting: not fasting Reminder: All bronchodilators should be discontinued two days before the test. Normal value Male 3.18 ± 0.12L; female 2.31 ± 0.05L. Clinical significance The normal person exhaled the amount of force in one second = forced vital capacity. In the case of airway obstruction, the amount of forced exhalation in one second <forced vital capacity, obstructive ventilatory disorder, forced exhalation in one second, prolonged exhalation time, and exhaled time in restrictive ventilation disorder. Low results may be diseases: occupational asthma, cough asthma, talc dust lung, bronchial asthma in the elderly Two days before the examination, all the drugs for bronchodilation should be stopped, such as Shuchuanling, Bangfu, Meipuqing, aminophylline, Shufumei Lehui, Asami, Aichuan, etc., otherwise it will affect test result. Inspection process The ratio of forced expiratory volume and forced vital capacity in one second can reflect the type and extent of ventilatory disorders. Not suitable for the crowd Contrained people: Check out people who have recently taken bronchodilators. Adverse reactions and risks It generally does not cause complications and harm.
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