Anti-adrenocortical antibody

The target antigen of anti-adrenocortical antibody (ACA) is a glycoprotein in the adrenal cortex cell microparticles, which is a heterogeneous component. This antibody is mainly IgG. The detection methods used earlier include complement binding test and indirect hemagglutination method. The antigens used are the adrenal cortex homogenate supernatant, but the indirect immunofluorescence method is still the main method. The antigen film is cortex. Frozen sections of adrenal glands in patients with hyperalcoholism have the most specific fluorescence at the adrenal cortex and marrow junctions and are located in the cortical cytoplasm. Most of the positive results are stained by the entire adrenal cortex. Generally, the serum is tested at 1:10 Sieve, and then measure the antibody titer of the positive serum.

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