Planting nodule

Nodular lesions are more severe than macular rash, pimples are large and deep, and they penetrate deep into the deep dermis. In severe cases, they can reach the subcutaneous tissue. The surface is semicircular and rises smoothly. The surface of the inflammatory nodules is red, painful, and horny, with a diameter of 0.5 to 5 cm. Late ulceration often occurs, such as advanced syphilitic nodular skin lesions, skin tuberculosis nodules are similar scars. The histopathological changes of nodules are deeper in the deep dermis and can invade the subcutaneous fat layer, so they can be accompanied by changes in lipid membranes and blood vessels. 病理 The pathological changes of the superficial dermis are slight. At this point, the pathological changes of rash and pimples are mostly different in the epidermis and superficial dermis. Nodules can be localized, with asymmetrical onsets, and few in number, depending on their etiology; they can also be systemic, symmetrical, with fewer or sparse. Nodular dermatosis generally has mild acute systemic symptoms, slow onset, and a relatively long course of disease, such as skin tuberculosis, syphilis, and chronic nodular erythema. Therefore, it is clinically different from maculopapular and papular skin diseases. Nodules are divided into inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

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