Scrotal eczema
Scrotal eczema is a subtype of eczema, it is also commonly known as "hydrangea wind", "leukemia" and so on. It is an allergic skin disease caused by internal and external factors. Scrotal eczema is generally divided into acute, subacute, and chronic. Scrotal eczema is the most common male dermatosis in the Lingnan area in summer. Because the scrotum epidermis is red, itching is unbearable, and scratching and scratching may cause exudation and even infection. The high-incidence groups are: those who have been in a high-temperature working environment for a long time, and taxis, truck drivers, construction workers, outdoor workers, chefs, etc., due to poor heat dissipation in the perineum, are more likely to cause scrotal eczema.
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