Pregnancy with acute appendicitis

Acute appendicitis is a more common surgical complication during pregnancy. Due to the rapid development of the course of pregnancy, it is easy to form perforation and peritonitis, so it is a serious complication. Early diagnosis and management are extremely important. During pregnancy, with the enlargement of the uterus, the cecum and appendix shift upwards and outwards. The clinical manifestations are atypical, which makes diagnosis difficult. Gangrene and perforation often occur due to delayed diagnosis and treatment, and the perforation rate is 2-3 times higher than that during non-pregnancy. . Because the enlarged uterus pushes the omentum upward, it cannot surround the source of the infection, and the inflammation is not easy to spread and cause widespread peritonitis. When the inflammation spreads to the uterine serosa, it can stimulate the uterus to contract, cause abortion or premature birth, or stimulate the uterus. Tonic contraction, the fetus died of hypoxia.

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