Hyperlipoproteinemia type Ⅴ

Hyperlipoproteinemia type Ⅴ (hyperlipoproteinemia type Ⅴ) also known as fat and sugar-induced hyperlipidemia, hyperchylomicronemia, and pre-beta;-lipoproteinemia, endogenous and exogenous hyperlipidemia Hyperthermia induced by fever and fever. Hyperlipoproteinemia due to the increase in chylomicrons and VLDLS is a combination of type I and type IV hyperlipoproteinemia. The incidence is low, mostly in adults. It is considered a subtype of type IV and is often associated with obesity and / or alcoholism. If the supply of exogenous triglycerides decreases, it will change to type IV, and the genetic pattern is similar to type IV.

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