
Zhen Li refers to chilling and shivering. Caused by Deficiency or Depression. Published "Su asked, the truth is to be discussed." "Su Wen · Liu Yuan Zheng Ji Da Lun": "Yangming Sitian's politics, people's disease, cough, congestion, cold and heat outbreak, Zhen Li's closed." Zhang Zhicong's note: "Civil disease congested, Zhen Li's evidence All are aware of the hot air and become ill. "Volume 3 of" Treatment of Febrile Diseases ":" Zhen melee, but those who are lighter are trenches. Fighting is fighting against evil, and fighting is fighting for trembling; Zhen but virtual Rather than contend, so stop shaking and vibrating. Those who relapse after sweating, say that both the inside and the outside are empty. When the dead blood family sweats, those who are shivering and shaking, say that their blood is empty. "

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