Central nervous cell tumor

Central neurocytoma is a small cell neuronal tumor that grows in the lateral ventricle and the third ventricle. It was first reported by Hassoun and others in 1982. The main occurrence site was in the transparent compartment near the interventricular foramen (Monro foramen). When clinical symptoms were caused, the tumors grew very large. The main symptoms were headache and obstructive hydrocephalus. Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. Recently, reports have gradually increased. Bailey and Cushing's meningeal histological classification belongs to neuroblastoma derived from primitive medullary epithelium. It is classified as neuroastrocytoma class Ⅰ according to Kernohan tumor classification. Central nervous system tumors published by the World Health Organization (WH0) in 2000. Tumors belonging to the glial origin of neurons and mixed neurons are classified by the WHO as Grade II.

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