Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy
During pregnancy, normal pregnant women undergo significant physiological changes in their thyroid gland. Because the placenta produces hCG and chorionic thyroid stimulating hormone (hCT) to increase thyroid activity; increased estrogen promotes increased liver thyroid binding globulin (TBG) and slow degradation, which increases the thyroid gland during pregnancy, rich blood vessels, and increased iodine intake 80% of pregnant women are three times larger than non-pregnant. Clinically, hypermetabolism states like hyperthyroidism, fear of heat, sweating, increased appetite, and increased heart rate. Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy includes: hyperthyroidism combined with pregnancy and hyperthyroidism during pregnancy. Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is mostly Graves' disease, which is mainly caused by autoimmune processes and mental stimulation, and is characterized by diffuse goiter and exophthalmos.
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