Carcinoid syndrome
Carcinoid syndrome (carcinoid syndrome), except for the esophagus, can occur in any part of the digestive tract, carcinoids are located in the appendix accounted for 1/3, more common in women, rarely metastasized. 2% are located in the stomach, and the rest are located in the duodenum, colon (mostly in men), gallbladder, and Merkel's diverticulum. They can also occur in the bronchi and ovaries, but they are rare. Occurred in the small intestine, the degree of malignancy is large, and can be transferred to the lungs, bones and other abdominal organs. Bronchial carcinoid with carcinoid syndrome has a poor prognosis. Carcinoids can occur at any age. The onset age of carcinoids in the appendix is mostly 30 to 40 years old, and the carcinoids in other parts are mostly 50 to 60 years old.
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