Diabetic nephropathy in children

Diabetic nephropathy is a common multiple diabetic complication. Glomerular sclerosis due to microangiopathy caused by diabetes is one of the most serious complications and one of the leading causes of death caused by diabetes. Diabetes is a common metabolic syndrome, not only showing elevated blood sugar, but also accompanied by disorders of fat, protein, water and electrolyte metabolism. In the early stage of diabetes, the kidney volume increases, the glomerular filtration rate increases, and it is in a high filtration state. Later, interstitial proteinuria or microalbuminuria gradually appears, and continuous proteinuria, edema, hypertension, and renal smallness appear with the prolongation of the disease course. The ball filtration rate is reduced, which leads to renal insufficiency and uremia. Because it is a late complication of diabetes, it is rarely seen in the pediatric stage.

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