Postpartum psychosis
Postpartum psychosis is a severe mental and behavioral disorder associated with the puerperium, and is clinically characterized by a pleomorphic course and symptomatic variability in the cross of insanity, acute hallucinations and delusions, depression or mania. Postpartum psychosis occurs most frequently within 7 days after delivery. It occurs mainly at the beginning of the pregnancy, with multiple children, and women of lower socioeconomic levels. This situation is mostly sudden and has dramatic psychotic symptoms. As early as the end of the 19th century, psychiatric illness was found to be a mental disorder during the puerperium, which has recently received more and more attention. Nott studied women who gave birth to Sonthampton in the United Kingdom from 1966 to 1967, and found that there were significantly more patients undergoing psychological counseling due to special psychological problems at 16 weeks postpartum. Research by Kendall et al. Also confirms this, and he found that women with postpartum psychosis have a significantly higher number of women than prenatal and non-pregnant women.
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