Benign lymphoepithelial disease

Benign lymphoepithelial disease (BLL), also known as mikulicz disease, is a diffuse infiltration of lymphocytes in the lacrimal gland and salivary gland tissue, while there is ductal epithelial hyperplasia of the lacrimal gland. The diseased tissue is a benign lesion derived from lymph and epithelial cells. If the lesion involves only the lacrimal and salivary glands, it is called Mikulicz disease; if the lesion also involves reticulocytosis, sarcoidosis, leukemia, malignant lymphoma and other lesions throughout the body, it is called Mikulicz syndrome. It has a long course and is prone to relapse. The inflammation does not involve the para-lacrimal glands, so the eyes are not dry and are not accompanied by systemic lesions.

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