Vitamin C deficiency in children

Vitamin C deficiency disease, also known as scurvy, is caused by insufficient vitamin C in foods, digestive tract malabsorption, or increased requirements resulting in vitamin C deficiency. It is more common in children aged 8 months to 2 years, and it is rare in adults. It is due to chronic lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid), a perinatal disease characterized by skeletal changes and increased capillary permeability. Clinically, bone disorders and bleeding tendencies, hyperkeratotic follicular pimples, and capillary bleeding around the circumference are quite characteristic manifestations, which are generally rare now, but in northern pastoral areas lacking fresh vegetables and fruits, or urban and rural areas, artificial The neglected area of ​​the feeding child, or ascorbic acid oxidase is released after being chopped, cut, squeezed, or torn, the heating and boiling time is too long, and the cooked dishes are left for too long.

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