Pediatric rotavirus enteritis

Before the etiology is unclear, the changes in stool traits and the number of stools are greater than usual, which are collectively referred to as diarrheal disease. Diarrhea is a group of diseases with multiple causes and multiple factors. It is one of the diseases with the highest incidence in childhood. It is a worldwide public health problem. Diarrhea occurs at least one billion times a year worldwide. According to the World Health Organization survey, 10,000 people died of diarrhea. In China, diarrhea is also a common disease in children. According to relevant data, the annual incidence of diarrhea in children under 5 years of age is 201%, with an average of 2.01 per child per year, and the mortality rate is 0.51%. Therefore, prevention and treatment of diarrhea in children is very important. The most important viruses that cause viral enteritis are rotavirus, followed by adenovirus, and Norwalk virus, enterovirus, coronavirus, parvovirus, astrovirus, etc., but far less than rotavirus. . This section focuses on enteritis caused by rotavirus.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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