
Breech presentation is also called breech presentation, which is the most common abnormal fetal position, accounting for 3% to 4% of the total term delivery. The dysplasia of the buttocks is based on the metatarsal bones, which are divided into six fetal positions: left anterior, left lateral, left rear, right anterior, right lateral, and right rear. Buttock delivery, the circumference of the buttocks is smaller than the head, and it is delivered first. The fetal head is delivered later than the carcass. The fetal head has no chance of deformation. It is easy to be blocked through the pelvis. The fetal head should be delivered as soon as possible, usually not more than 5 to 8 minutes, otherwise the life of the fetus is endangered. When the fetal head is delivered from the vagina, it can easily cause laceration of the fetal brain and cerebellum, causing intracranial hemorrhage and damage to the brachial plexus nerve. It is likely to be stuck on the anterior pelvic and pubic symphysis, especially those with fetal head flexion. Not only is it difficult for the head to be born later, but cervical nerve paralysis occurs when the lateral head of the fetal neck and cervical nerve is compressed by the lateral head. Complications such as torticollis and atelectasis in children.

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