Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is one of the common tumors of female reproductive organs, and its incidence rate is second only to cervical and uterine body cancers. However, those who died from ovarian cancer accounted for the first place in various types of gynecological tumors, posing a serious threat to women's lives. Due to the ovary's embryonic development, tissue anatomy and endocrine function are more complicated, the tumor it suffers may be benign or malignant. Because ovarian cancer is asymptomatic in early clinical stage, it is very difficult to identify its tissue type, benign and malignant. In ovarian cancer, only 30% of the tumors found in ovarian laparotomy are confined to the ovary, and most have spread to the uterus. Membrane and pelvic organs, so ovarian cancer is indeed a major problem in both diagnosis and treatment. Over the years, experts have conducted many discussions on the pathological morphology of ovarian malignant tumors, clinical occurrence and development rules, and treatment options, and have accumulated a lot of experience. So far, according to domestic and foreign clinical data statistics, the five-year survival rate is only 25%. ~ 30%.

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