Wheezing bronchitis in children

Pediatric asthma bronchitis, also known as asthmatoid bronchitis, is a special type of paroxysmal bronchitis that occurs in infants and young children (under 3 years of age). It refers to a group of allergic acute bronchitis with wheezing manifestations. . It refers to a group of infants and young children with lower respiratory tract infections. As a clinical syndrome, it refers to a group of infants and young children with acute wheezing. Lung parenchyma is rarely affected, and some children may develop bronchial asthma. Because the trachea and bronchi of infants are relatively narrow, they are easily aggravated by infection or other stimuli. In addition, children with allergic physical factors, after upper respiratory tract infections, cause small bronchospasm or swelling, and wheezing. Therefore, some people think that some children with this disease are infantile bronchial asthma (hereinafter referred to as asthma) or mild asthma.

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