Amino aciduria
Hyperaminoaciduria is a type of metabolic disease characterized by the excretion of excessive amino acids in the urine, which can be divided into prerenal, renal and mixed. The effects of various types of high amino acid urine treatment vary widely. Some can achieve good results by strictly controlling the intake of corresponding amino acids in the diet or supplementing certain vitamins; some even take various measures to bring the plasma amino acid level close to normal, Nor can it improve clinical symptoms. Renal amino acid urine is a disorder of amino acid reabsorption in the proximal tubule, which causes a large amount of amino acids to be excreted from the urine. The amino acids excreted from the urine are mainly glycine, taurine, and methylhistidine. In addition, serine, threonine, leucine, phenylalanine, etc. can also be excreted in small amounts.
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