Latex agglutination inhibition test

In addition to the functions of nutrition, breathing and excretion to the fetus, the placenta during pregnancy also has the function of synthesizing and secreting a variety of endocrine hormones. Among them, chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) can be used as an important indicator for the diagnosis of early pregnancy and trophoblastic tumors. HCG mainly exists in the blood, urine, colostrum amniotic fluid, and fetus of pregnant women. The placenta begins to secrete HCG from 0 to 14 days after conception, peaks at 10 weeks, and then gradually decreases. HCG has a strong antigenicity, which can be used to immunize rabbits to produce high titer antibodies, which can be used to detect immunological methods of pregnancy. Common methods include latex agglutination inhibition test, early pregnancy test and pregnancy dilution test.

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