Cervical disease


Introduction to cervical diseases The cervix is part of the female genitalia. If it is infected with bacteria, viruses, or traumatic trauma, cervical disease refers to various diseases occurring in the cervical region, including inflammation, injury, tumors, and precancerous lesions. It is the most common female. One of the most serious conditions is cervical cancer. Medically, various lesions occurring near the female cervix are called cervical lesions. Regular examination of the cervix is necessary, mainly to screen for cervical cancer. The occurrence of cervical cancer is related to the infection of human papillomavirus (HPV). Some patients with high-risk HPV infection are prone to precancerous lesions and cervical cancer when they are continuously infected in the cervical squamous junction. Cervical cancer Since the cervical smear, the mortality rate has dropped significantly, the key is to screen and treat in advance. basic knowledge Proportion of disease: according to the specific disease, the proportion of illness is different Susceptible people: adult women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: Infertility Cervical cancer Irregular menstruation


Causes of cervical diseases

1. Mechanical stimulation or injury

The occurrence of cervical disease is related to sexual life. Natural or artificial abortion, diagnostic curettage and childbirth can cause cervical damage and cause inflammation. Adult women should pay attention to contraception, avoid or reduce abortion, pay attention to postpartum hygiene, and avoid postpartum infection. .

2, unclean sex life. Premature sexual activity and excessive sexual partners.

3. Excessive cleaning. At present, there are many women's cleaning products on the market. If you choose improperly, using a large concentration of disinfectant solution to wash the vagina will not only affect the growth of the normal vaginal flora, but also reduce the effect of the bacteria, which will cause different degrees of cervix. Epithelial damage, eventually erosive.

4. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection

The HPV virus is a double-stranded DNA virus with a spherical shell with a diameter of 55 nm, which mainly infects the mucosal epithelium of the skin and causes different lesions. More than 200 HPV viruses have been identified and at least 30 are associated with genital mucosal infections.

5, pathogen infection

The most common ones at home and abroad are gonococcus, Chlamydia trachomatis and Mycoplasma genitalium, followed by common bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, and Trichomonas and fungi.


Cervical disease prevention

1. Find symptoms and identify hazards.

Cervicitis is divided into acute and chronic, mainly chronic cervicitis. Mechanical irritation or damage, microorganisms and their toxins, chemicals and radiation can all be the cause of cervicitis. Cervical erosion can affect women's pregnancy, because cervical erosion affects the ability of sperm to penetrate the cervix, directly affecting conception. Irregular menstruation affects normal ovarian function and ovulation, and it also directly affects pregnancy.

Female friends should be vigilant if they find that they have increased vaginal discharge, lumbosacral pain, pelvic fall and dysmenorrhea, infertility and cervical erosion.

2. Recognize the misunderstanding and pay attention to the details.

Under normal circumstances, there are three points to prevent cervical diseases: regular gynaecological examinations (such as cervical smear examination once a year), in order to detect cervical inflammation and treatment early; sexual life is prohibited during menstruation and postpartum, avoiding pathogenic bacteria Into gynecological surgery should find an experienced doctor, the operation should be sterile, gentle, to prevent iatrogenic infections and injuries.

However, people still have misunderstandings of blind medication, which is more harmful to women. When you find that you have mild cervical inflammation, the majority of women tend to buy drugs to wash themselves, but if the washing method is not appropriate, the temperature is not suitable, or the use of the device is not appropriate, it is easy to cause damage to the vaginal intima, not only can not eliminate the disease, Instead, it makes the problem worse.

3. Regular physical examination to eliminate danger.

Cervicitis is caused by childbirth, miscarriage and uterine surgery injury or ascending infection, usually manifested as increased secretion, yellowing, foul odor and sexual life bleeding, lumbosacral pain. A considerable number of patients may be asymptomatic or inconspicuous in the early stages, and some women may have symptoms similar to mild cervical erosion because they often take birth control pills, but they are not true cervical erosion. This requires regular gynaecological examination to eliminate the danger, diagnose the disease, prevent misdiagnosis of missed diagnosis, and achieve early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.

4, careful care, symptomatic treatment.

Cervical erosion is the most common type of cervicitis, and there are more problems with irregular treatment. If you have any symptoms of cervical erosion without any discomfort, you only need to improve your hygiene habits, such as washing the vulva with water every day and avoiding menstrual sex. If mild erosion, mild symptoms, conservative treatment with suppositories, or laser, frozen, microwave and other local treatment. If the course of disease is long, moderate or severe erosion or cervical hypertrophy, cyst, then consider surgery.


Cervical disease complications Complications, infertility, cervical cancer, irregular menstruation

1, leading to dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation.

2, easy to cause infertility symptoms (viscous purulent leucorrhea to prevent sperm from passing through, cervical erosion caused by cervical hypertrophy, uterine mouth shrink).

3, induced cervical cancer: Cervical cancer caused by cervicitis is 7-10 times higher than normal people, cervical cancer accounts for about 70% of gynecological malignant tumors.

4. Affect the quality of life of couples.

5, easy to infect gonococcal, chlamydial bacteria various sexually transmitted diseases, but also easy to merge with some viral infections.

6, cervical disease is easy to brew bad fruit causes tumor changes.


Cervical disease symptoms Common symptoms Cervical pain, cervical adhesions, lumbosacral or lower back pain, vaginal discharge, pelvic, heavy feeling, cervical edema, lower abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, purulent leucorrhea, secondary infertility


(A) increased vaginal discharge: increased vaginal discharge is the most common cervicitis, and sometimes even a certain symptom of gynecological inflammation. Increased vaginal discharge, turbidity, odor, purulent or mixed blood, and dysuria, frequent urination, urgency, etc. are typical gynecological inflammation of cervicitis and cervical erosion.

(2) Pain: Most people often have pain in the lower abdomen or lumbosacral region, and may also appear in the upper abdomen, thighs and hip joints. It is more painful during menstrual periods, bowel movements or sexual life.

(3) Other symptoms: such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, pelvic weight, infertility, etc.

Cervical erosion

When suffering from mild cervical erosion, patients generally have no obvious symptoms, and may only have a slight increase in vaginal discharge, which is often overlooked. Cervical erosion in many patients was discovered at the time of the census or when visiting other gynecological diseases. The most obvious symptoms of patients with moderate or severe cervical erosion are increased vaginal discharge, thick yellow color, or bloodshot vaginal discharge, and a small number of patients may have bleeding after sexual intercourse. Inflammatory vaginal discharge stimulates the vulva for a long time and can also cause genital pruritus. In addition, because the cervical lymphatics and the paragangli connective tissue directly communicate, inflammation can spread to the pelvic cavity through the lymphatic circulation, leading to pelvic connective tissue inflammation, lumbosacral pain, abdominal swelling and other symptoms. Infertility in a small number of patients may also be caused by cervical erosion.

Increased vaginal discharge increases the leucorrhea as the main symptom of cervical erosion, sometimes even the only symptom. The leucorrhea has different traits due to differences in pathogens and the extent and extent of erosion. If the inflammatory infection is not obvious, the vaginal discharge is mainly transparent mucus; if the cervical erosion is accompanied by obvious inflammatory infection, the leucorrhea is yellow purulent and sticky. If the area of erosion is small or the lesion is shallow, the amount of leucorrhea may be less; if the lesion is deep and the area is severely erosive, the amount of leucorrhea is more, and occasionally a small amount of blood or blood may be taken. Individual patients may sometimes The main complaint was contact bleeding.

Cervical hypertrophy

The main clinical symptom of cervical hypertrophy is increased vaginal discharge. In addition, because connective tissue hyperplasia and inflammation spread along the cervix or through the uterine ligament to the pelvic cavity, patients often complain of lumbosacral pain or perineal bulge, which is two prominent symptoms of cervical hypertrophy.

Cervical polyp

Cervical polyps can occur at any age, but are more common in women who are 40 to 45 years old. Cervical polyps are relatively common gynecological diseases, but because of their small size, they can be free of any symptoms and are often found when they are examined for other gynecological diseases. Larger polyps may have increased vaginal discharge, or complaints of contact bleeding, especially after sexual intercourse or defecation, spotted bleeding or bloody vaginal discharge, the amount of bleeding is generally not much. The surface covered with squamous epithelial polyps, due to its tough texture, generally no contact bleeding or bloody vaginal discharge. Such as cervical polyps with heavier cervicitis, symptoms of cervicitis can also occur.

Cervical cyst

For the symptoms of cervical cysts, because the early symptoms of cervical cysts are not very obvious, cervical cysts are a kind of chronic cervicitis, generally no obvious symptoms, and the symptoms of cervical cysts are generally increased vaginal discharge, due to different pathogens, leucorrhea The color and amount are also different. The vaginal discharge can be viscous or purulent, sometimes with bloodshot or a small amount of blood, or with contact bleeding. Symptoms of cervical cysts can also be manifested as pain in the lower abdomen or lumbosacral sputum. Falling pain or dysmenorrhea can occur in the pelvic cavity. It is often worsened during menstruation, defecation or couple life. In addition, irregular menstruation and infertility can occur.

Cervical genital warts

Cervical genital warts are generally caused by wet prions, which can invade skin and mucous membranes, such as vulva, vagina, anus and uterus. After the cervical ulcer virus, it causes cervical mucosal lesions, and the cervix is born with papillary and scorpion-like strengths, which are densely packed or scattered. The appearance is gray or dark red, and the texture is soft. Clinically, cervical genital warts are common, except for the cervix, the vulva, vagina and anus can also be concurrent. If it occurs frequently during pregnancy, it can resolve itself after childbirth.

Cervical fibroids

The reason why female friends suffer from infertility, mainly because women's cervical fibroids cause cervical deformation and stenosis, which has a serious impact on the passage of sperm, patients usually have menstrual disorders, increased menstrual flow, Symptoms such as leucorrhea. In the gynecological examination, there will be an abnormal appearance in the shape of the cervix, and there will be fibroid nodules in the cervix.


Cervical disease examination

The routine examinations required for general cervical disease are as follows:

1, gynecological routine examination: gynecological routine examination is a routine gynecological examination of women, divided into gynecological specialist physical examination and related auxiliary examination. It is the first choice that must be carried out before the treatment of the disease. The purpose is to effectively diagnose and examine the specific condition of the patient, and to formulate a treatment plan for the patient according to the actual situation.

2, cervical scraping (TCT): cervical scraping refers to taking a small amount of cell samples from the cervix, placed on the glass, and then under the microscope to study whether abnormal. As a result of this test, the mortality rate of cervical cancer has been reduced by at least 70%. With a simple Pap smear, doctors can detect tiny, very early changes in the cervix, which can cause a deadly cancer to be attacked even before it actually happens. Cervical scraping is the most simple and effective diagnostic method for extensive examination of cervical cancer. The cervical smear is very simple and the whole process takes only 3 to 6 minutes. This method of diagnosis does not cause cervical damage and does not cause pain.

3, cervical biopsy: cervical biopsy is the biopsy of the cervix, that is, take a small piece or a few pieces of tissue from the cervix for pathological examination to determine the diagnosis. It is suspected of having cancer in the cervix, or suspected cancer cells in the cervical smear, or suspected specific inflammation, such as cervical tuberculosis. Cervical biopsy can confirm the diagnosis and determine the treatment. Cervical biopsy is the most reliable basis for the diagnosis of cervical cancer.

4, vaginal discharge examination: vaginal secretions, also known as vaginal discharge, from the secretion of mucus in various parts of the female genitalia, and vaginal mucosa shed epithelial cells, white blood cells, bacteria and other mixed. Its role is to keep the vaginal mucosa moist and in a lubricated state. Vaginal secretion examination is to observe the color, traits, pH, viscosity, etc. of vaginal secretions, mainly used for the diagnosis of female reproductive system diseases.

5, electronic colposcopy: electronic colposcopy is a new technology to apply high technology in conventional colposcopy for vaginal examination. Its high-resolution electronic imaging technology, high-quality light source and high-level amplification technology can identify very small tissues and provide more realistic tissue color for the diagnosis and treatment of genital tract (ie vulva, vagina, cervix) diseases. aspect.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of cervical diseases

The cervix is one of the important tissues and organs in the female reproductive system. From embryos and female fetuses to calluses, the cervix involves diseases such as gynaecology, obstetrics, family planning, women's health and reproductive health in women's life, involving women. Its own health, family happiness, economic and social problems are also closely related to sex and reproduction. However, the cervix can have a variety of diseases, and it has cervical diseases. Not everyone has obvious symptoms. Many people accidentally found them during physical examination. Therefore, regular gynaecological examinations are very important for women. At present, the diagnosis of cervical diseases is usually "three steps".

Cervical cytology

First, the doctor will ask the patient's symptoms and menstrual conditions, and conduct a gynecological examination, visual observation of the cervix, including cervical erosion, sputum, etc., then cervical cytology, scraping some exfoliated cells on the cervix , observed under a microscope. The most commonly used is the Pap smear method. This cytology report is divided into five levels: Pap 1 is normal, Pap 2 is inflammation, Pap 3 is suspicious, Pap 4 is highly suspicious. Cancer, Pap 5 is cancer.


If the cytology results are abnormal, the doctor also recommends a colposcopy, which can magnify the surface of the cervix several times. After applying 3% acetic acid solution on the surface of the cervix, the changes of color and blood vessels of the cervical epithelium were observed, and it was preliminarily determined whether there were suspicious lesions in the cervix. Because of the lesion, the epithelium will show varying degrees of whiteness.

Cervical tissue biopsy

Finally, if there is any doubt about the colposcopy, the doctor will take a small biopsy of the cervical tissue under the colposcopy, and the biopsy results will become the final conclusion of the cervical lesion.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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