Atypical fibrous xanthoma
Introduction to atypical fibrous yellow tumor Atypical fibromaanoma (atypical fibronanthoma) is a low-grade malignant tumor associated with malignant fibrous histiocytoma. The two are histologically similar, but the atypical fibroids are smaller and the position is shallower. it is good. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0035% Susceptible people: more common in men and women over 50 years old Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: sarcoidosis
Atypical fibroma tumor cause
The cause of atypical fibroma is still unknown.
Atypical fibrous xanthomas prevention
There is no effective preventive measure for this disease. Early detection and early diagnosis are the key to the prevention and treatment of this disease.
Atypical fibroma tumor complications Complications
Atypical fibrous xanthomas are mainly solid nodules on the skin, which may be accompanied by scarring or erosion. Some repeated scratching may be accompanied by eczema. If you do not pay attention to cleanliness, you may have secondary infection, causing local lymph node inflammation. The lymph nodes are enlarged, and the disease is a benign tumor, which causes less complications.
Atypical fibrous yellow tumor symptoms common symptoms scarred nodules
The tumor is a small and solid nodule, generally less than 1cm in size, often with erosion or scarring on the surface. It is clinically uncharacteristic and occurs mainly in the head or neck exposure of whites over 50 years old, but can also occur in the trunk and Limbs and young people.
Examination of atypical fibrous xanthoma
Histopathology: The tumor occurs in the dermis and is separated from the epidermis by the collagen band of the cell. The tumor consists of odd-shaped fusiform cells and atypical tissue cells. Some fusiform cells have a vesicular nucleus, and the cytoplasm can be vacuolated. Yellow tumor cells, mitotic figures, significant eosinophilic nucleoli and the appearance of biphasic tumor cell populations are characteristic findings. S-100 protein staining is sparse compared to melanoma, negative for keratin staining, and helps with squamous Cell tumor identification.
Diagnosis and diagnosis of atypical fibrous yellow tumor
According to the clinical manifestations, the characteristics of skin lesions and histopathological features can be diagnosed.
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