Intravascular papillary hemangioendothelioma


Introduction of intravascular papillary vascular endothelial cell tumor Endovascular papillaryangioendothelioma, also known as Dabskatumor, is a rare vascular lesion. Dabska reported 6 children with diffuse swelling or intradermal tumors of the head, neck or limbs, 4 to 9 cm in diameter. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: joint pain


Intravascular papillary vascular endothelial cell tumor etiology

(1) Causes of the disease

The cause is still unknown.

(two) pathogenesis

The pathogenesis is still unclear.


Intravascular papillary vascular endothelial cell tumor prevention

Pay more attention to life and pay attention to diet problems, which can also prevent some diseases from happening.


Intravascular papillary vascular endothelial cell tumor complications Complications joint pain

Currently there are no related content description.


Intravascular papillary vascular endothelial cell tumor symptoms Common symptoms Joint swelling shoulder joint activity limitation

Clinically, patients often complain of swollen limbs, pain, and even limited joint activity. Tumors in the spine can also cause neurological symptoms. Once an angiosarcoma has symptoms, the condition develops more rapidly, and there is local spread in the advanced stage and bloody roads.


Examination of intravascular papillary vascular endothelial cell tumor

Histopathology: The most prominent feature of histopathology is the appearance of papillary structures in the lumen of the blood vessels. The latter is covered with multiple layers of endothelial cells. The cells are pleomorphic, and the nuclear staining is deep. The mitotic figures are seen. The tumor cells appear to be floating in a single or a cluster. In the lumen of the blood vessel.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of intravascular papillary vascular endothelial cell tumor

According to clinical manifestations, combined with histopathology can be diagnosed.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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