tracheomalacia test
The tracheal softening test is based on a pathological phenomenon in which tracheal softening is caused by the lack of proper cartilage hardness and support force of the trachea. Tracheobronchomalacia is congenital, ie primary and acquired, ie secondary. It is difficult to make a correct judgment under the general perspective of tracheal softening caused by goiter, and it is necessary to film under special conditions to clearly display the trachea image. Wafer test method filming: first train the patient, ask the patient to try to inhale, close the glottis, and force the film to quickly shoot. Basic Information Specialist classification: Respiratory examination classification: pulmonary function test Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Pay attention to normal eating habits before check, pay attention to personal hygiene. Normal value The body has no disease and is in a healthy state. Clinical significance Abnormal result Thymus hypertrophy, enlarged lymph nodes, cysts or atrial ventricular enlargement, pulmonary ligaments, vascular rings, trauma, tracheotomy, thyroid tumors, etc. Due to the long-term compression of the tracheal cartilage, the cartilage ring becomes thinner and thinner, and the elasticity is weakened. In the late stage, the cartilage ring can be absorbed and disappeared, and the membranous tissue is formed. The pathological mechanism may be due to long-term compression of the tracheal cartilage ring, resulting in local blood supply or ischemia, and long-term ischemia-induced aseptic necrosis, so that the tracheal ring partially disappeared. The person in need of examination is suspected to have tracheal softening, and it is also one of the indispensable examination methods for patients with goiter. Precautions Forbidden before examination: Pay attention to normal eating habits and pay attention to personal hygiene. Requirements for inspection: Actively cooperate with the doctor. Inspection process Tracheal softening is secondary to thyroid enlargement, which is caused by external compression. It is difficult to make a correct judgment under the general perspective of tracheal softening caused by goiter, and it is necessary to film under special conditions to clearly display the trachea image. Wafer test method filming: first train the patient, ask the patient to try to inhale, close the glottis, and force the film to quickly shoot. Miller's test method film, sputum patients try their best to exhale, close the glottis and then take the inspiratory action and then quickly film. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate crowd: No.
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