
Staining tissue with certain dyes can make the lesions clearer. For the diagnosis of gastric cancer, methylene blue staining is often used. Small lesions and lesions can be displayed to make biopsy more accurate and also help with surgical resection. Basic Information Specialist classification: Oncology examination classification: endoscope Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: fasting Tips: Prohibit diet before checking. Normal value A mixture of 20 to 40 ml of freshly prepared acetic acid (0.6%) and rouge (0.1% to 0.4%) was injected into the stomach through an endoscopic biopsy hole. The color of the mucosal surface was enhanced in a few minutes, and a red or yellow early gastric cancer area was observed on a blue background. The diagnostic accuracy of 23 patients with EGC, white light gastroscopy, standard pigment gastroscopy and AIM pigment gastroscopy were 45%, 87% and 96%, respectively. There were no complications in the AIM method. Clinical significance Abnormal results: normal gastrointestinal mucosa, intestinal mucosa, atypical hyperplasia mucosa, early tumor gland morphology have their own characteristics, the naked eye can not be distinguished. The population to be examined: patients with early tumors. Precautions Forbidden before examination: Check forbidden diet. Requirements for inspection: Coordination and cooperation. Inspection process Spraying method: through the gastroscope biopsy forceps, insert the plastic tube, spray 0.5% methylene blue solution directly on the gastric mucosa to be observed, rinse with physiological saline after 2 minutes, stain the lesion, and observe it. Observe intestinal metaplasia or duodenal mucosa on the gastric mucosa. Oral method: 150 mg of methylene blue was placed in a capsule, and the patient was orally administered, followed by chymotrypsin 20000 U (30 ml soluvent) to remove mucus adhering to the gastric mucosa. The patient underwent a gastroscopy 3 hours after free movement and found a biopsy in the stained area. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate people: pregnant women and those who respond to pigments. Adverse reactions and risks Nothing.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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