Oral camera

The advent of oral endoscopy has brought a new paradigm for oral examination and treatment, without the need for more description or expertise when the patient's pathology is presented to the patient. Patients can also understand the urgency of treatment. Physicians can further discover the patient's oral lesions with the help of clear and intuitive images, and take various treatment measures in time. Basic Information Specialist Category: Oral Examination Category: Endoscope Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: fasting Included items: Children's dental caries prevention and health Tips: Do not eat spicy, heavy food before checking. Normal value The normal person's mouth is smooth, smooth, smooth, and the oral mucosa is pink. Clinical significance Physicians can further discover the patient's oral lesions with the help of clear and intuitive images, and take various treatment measures in time. Abnormal results: abnormal signs caused by the disease, such as redness and swelling of the oral mucosa, blisters, ulceration or spots. Need to check the crowd: the mouth has abnormal color, pain, ulceration, smell and so on. Precautions Taboo before inspection: Do not eat spicy, heavy food. Requirements for inspection: Meet the doctor's request. Inspection process Using the storage function of the software to maximize the patient's oral condition, it is beneficial to have long-term patient dental information. If the telephone is used to return to the hospital, it is more possible to retain the long-term patient. With a button capture function, you can take pictures instantly and display them clearly. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate crowd: no special instructions. Adverse reactions and risks Nothing.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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