Urinary incontinence induction test
The urinary incontinence induction test is an auxiliary examination method for checking whether urine is normal. Abdominal pressure increased during normal urination, bladder detrusor contraction, urethral sphincter relaxation, the three coordinated synchronization, complete urination, and excreted urine. The primary center of micturition reflex is located in the medullary pulp, but is controlled by the cerebral cortex and brainstem. When the central afferent nerve is damaged or dysfunctional, abnormal urination function leads to urinary incontinence or urinary retention. Through this examination, the corresponding symptoms can be judged. Basic Information Specialist classification: urinary examination classification: urine / kidney function test Applicable gender: whether women are fasting: not fasting Tips: Do not eat after 9:00 pm the day before the test. Drink water. Check the morning after getting up and do not eat or drink water, which is convenient for inspection. The examiner should stand on the side of the patient to prevent urine from being sprayed on the body. Pulmonary bullae, severe emphysema, recent chest, abdominal trauma, surgery is not suitable for this examination. Normal value When the abdominal pressure is increased, there is no urine in the urethra. Clinical significance Abnormal results: urinary tract overflow was positive in the test when the abdominal pressure was increased. This test is used for the etiological diagnosis of female urinary incontinence patients. 1. Positive in the following two types of urinary incontinence (1) Stress urinary incontinence is characterized by a sudden increase in abdominal pressure when the patient has no urinary sensation, but the urethral opening immediately spills or sprays a small amount of urine, the abdominal pressure is relieved, and the overflow of urine immediately stops. (2) Detrusor movement disorder Incontinence is characterized by a sudden increase in abdominal pressure for a few seconds, the patient has no urinary sensation, but the urethral orifice overflows or discharges more urine. 2. Normal people are negative in this test. People who need to be examined: female patients with urinary incontinence. Precautions Taboo before the test: Do not eat after 9:00 pm the day before the test. Drink water. Check the morning after getting up and do not eat or drink water, which is convenient for inspection. Requirements for inspection: 1. The patient's buttocks pad is made of water-absorbent cloth or paper during the test. 2. The examiner should stand on the side of the patient to prevent urine from being sprayed on the body. Inspection process 1. The patient takes the lithotomy position, and the examiner separates the labia minora with the thumb and forefinger to reveal the urethral opening. 2. Patients with short-term, rapid increase in abdominal pressure, such as forced coughing a short Valsalva action, while observing the presence or absence of urination in the urethra. 3. Do not consciously urinate when the patient does the above actions. 4. The above actions of increasing the abdominal pressure can be repeated multiple times, or by the same method, or different methods can be used. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate people: large lungs, severe emphysema, recent chest, abdominal trauma, surgery. Adverse reactions and risks No obvious complications and harms.
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