Jugular pressure

Jugular venous pressure test is an auxiliary test method to check whether the venous blood vessels are normal. The jugular vein is full when a normal person is supine and supine, but the jugular vein collapses in a sitting or semi-sitting position (that is, the upper body is at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal plane). In the sitting or semi-sitting position, if the jugular vein is full, flared or pulsating, it is an abnormal sign. From the level of jugular vein filling and pulsation, the level of central venous pressure can be indirectly estimated. It is estimated that the reliable reference point for central venous pressure is the sternum angle, which is about 5 cm above the center of the right atrium regardless of the patient's position in the semi-sitting or sitting position. Through this examination, the corresponding symptoms can be judged.

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