Tonsil stones

Tonsil stones mostly occur in the upper crypt of the tonsil. If it is blocked for a long time, the drainage of the secretions is not smooth, and the cheese-like matter accumulates, which causes the insoluble inorganic salts such as calcium and magnesium to deposit into stones. Its core can be small foreign bodies, exfoliated epithelial cells or bacteria. Stones often occur around ciliated mycelia. Stones can be one or more, ranging from sesame to walnut in size. There are reports of tonsil stones weighing 6.4 grams. The stones scattered in the lymphatic tissue of the pharynx wall are small, soft, and fragile. . The stones embedded in the mucosa are mostly nodular in surface. The mucosal surface can be eroded due to compression, and pus fistulas occur, often causing adhesions in the crypts of the tonsils and the lingual arch.

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