Brown yellow

Ochronosis is caused by the lack of homogentisate oxidase in the body, which prevents the phenylalanine and tyrosine intermediate metabolites (uronic acid) from further oxidative decomposition and accumulates in the body. Darkens the skin, sclera, and cartilage, and at the same time, uric acid causes pigmentation of cartilage and other connective tissues, and degenerative arthritis of the spine and peripheral large joints. On the other hand, urinary black acid is excreted with urine, and the urine becomes blackened by alkalization and oxidation in the urine, so it is also called Alkaptonuria. This disease is a rare genetic disease and is rare. The prevalence rate reported abroad is 3 to 5 cases per million population. Uric acid is easily deposited on cartilage, which degenerates joints. Arthropathy often occurs clinically, so it is called brown yellow joint disease.

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