Pediatric sinus bradycardia

Sinus bradycardia refers to the frequency of sinus node excitement below the normal range. It is a common arrhythmia in children, but it is mostly asymptomatic and the exact incidence is unknown. Infant heart rate is less than 100 beats per minute, 1 to 6 years old is less than 80 beats per minute, and 6 years old or older is less than 60 beats per minute to consider sinus bradycardia. Severe bradyrhea often has borderline escapes. Sinus bradycardia can be seen in healthy children, athletes, and Cretinism, typhoid fever, obstructive jaundice and so on. In diseases with increased intracranial pressure, such as cerebral hemorrhage, brain tumors and tuberculous meningitis, and the application of digitalis and reserpine, heart rate can also be slow. Persistent bradycardia can be an early symptom of sick sinus syndrome and should be closely observed.

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