Neonatal hyperglycemia

Characteristics of glucose metabolism in newborns, poor absorption of sugars in milk and dairy products, and poor stability of glucose in blood, prone to hyperglycemia. Neonatal hyperglycemia (hyperglycemia) refers to whole blood glucose of 7 mmo1 / L (125 mg / dl), or plasma sugar of 8.12 to 8.40 mmol / L (145 to 150 mg / dl) is hyperglycemia. Due to the low renal glucose threshold in neonates, diabetes often occurs when blood glucose is 6.7 mmol / L (120 mg / dl). Hyperglycemia is mainly iatrogenic diuresis, dehydration, shock, and intracranial hemorrhage, which can also cause brain damage. Therefore, how to improve the monitoring of blood glucose should attract the attention of clinicians, prevention-oriented, early diagnosis and timely treatment can reduce the incidence and brain damage.

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