Frontal sinusitis

Those with prolonged inflammation 30 days after the onset of acute frontal sinusitis are called chronic frontal sinusitis. Acute attacks often under certain conditions, and often accompanied by chronic ethmoid sinusitis. The difference is that the slow frontal sinusitis is prone to osteitis and osteomyelitis due to poor drainage, and fistulas can occur in the anterior wall and the bottom of the fistula, which continuously drain pus. Visible scar formation. During the operation, the sieve plate inside and behind the nasal frontal canal should be kept in mind, and the mucosal flap should be reset after surgery. The frontal sinus can be drained with a 6mm silicone tube, and washed 6 days later. In order to reduce intraoperative bleeding, 1% procaine or sirocaine plus a few drops of 0.1% epinephrine are used to moisturize the block. ⑤ Remove the mucosa in the sinus with a stripper and gauze to remove all mucosa in the sinus, including the mucosa on the bone flap.

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