
Adenomyosis refers to endometrial glands and interstitial invasion of the myometrium to form diffuse or localized lesions. Like endometriosis, it is a common and difficult disease in gynecology. Uterine adenomyosis mostly occurs in the mid-women who are 30 to 50 years old, but it can also be seen in young and unfertile women, which may be related to the increase in various uterine cavity operations. About 15% of patients have endometriosis, and about 50% have uterine fibroids. The treatment of adenomyosis can be treated with drugs and surgery is also feasible, but the cure is difficult. Only patients with postmenopausal adenomyosis can gradually relieve themselves. Therefore, the choice of clinical treatment plan needs to be individualized according to the patient's age, symptoms and fertility requirements. Uterine adenomyosis belongs to the categories of "dysmenorrhea", "symptoms" and "infertility" in China and India.

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