Thrombosis in pregnancy

Vascular diseases are more likely to occur during pregnancy, because there are favorable conditions for embolism during pregnancy, such as a two-fold increase in fibrinogen, and platelet counts increase during pregnancy than non-pregnancy. The average early pregnancy is 210times; 109 / L, late 184times; 109 / L, blood clotting factor Ⅴ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅸ, X, Ⅻ concentrations also increased. If the pregnant woman moves less, the blood flow is slow, and the veins in the pregnancy are thicker than the original. The thickest is the ovarian blood vessels, which are 6 times larger than the original. The blood is easy to stagnate, so the incidence of thrombosis and embolism during pregnancy increases.

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