Children with learning disabilities

Learning dysfunction is also called special developmental disorder. It refers to a group of children with developmental disabilities, whose developmental delays in speech, learning skills (including reading, pinyin, calculations, etc.) and motor skills are significantly different from their actual intelligence levels. However, it is not caused by severe mental retardation, sensory organ defects, emotional disorders, or lack of learning opportunities, and may be secondary or accompanied by behavioral or emotional disorders but not its direct consequences. . Children with special developmental disabilities often cannot receive education in ordinary schools and require special education. . More common in boys include specific dyslexia, specific spelling disorders, and specific computing skills. The constant course of the disease does not have the characteristics of remission and recurrence like many other mental disorders, which seriously affects the child's learning effect.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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