Aflatoxin poisoning

Aflatoxins are molecular mycotoxins. In China, the allowable amount of aflatoxin in rice and edible oil is 10ug / Kg, and other grains, beans and fermented foods are 5ug / Kg. Infant formulas cannot be detected. The World Health Organization recommends a maximum allowable standard for aflatoxin in food and feed of 15ng / kg. 30 to 50 ua / kg is low toxicity, 50 to 100 ug / kg is poisoning, 100 to 1000 ug / kg is highly toxic, and above 1000 ug / kg is extremely toxic. Its toxicity is 10 times that of potassium cyanide and 68 times that of arsenic. In addition, aflatoxins are highly carcinogenic.

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