Haemophilus vaginitis vaginitis

H. vaginal vaginitis is caused by H. vaginal. Studies have found that nonspecific vaginitis is often diagnosed when a specific pathogen such as Trichomonas or mold is not found in a secretion test. Nonspecific vaginitis was detected by a smear microscopy or bacterial culture, and 90% of cases were found to have hemophilus vaginalis. Because about 40% of normal healthy women have Haemophilus in the vagina, clinical symptoms can occur when the bacteria reach a certain number or the vaginal immune mechanism is compromised. Other common vaginitis are: nonspecific vaginitis, bacterial vaginitis, candidal vaginitis, trichomonas vaginitis, fungal vaginitis, tapeworm vaginitis, allergic vaginitis, tuberculous vaginitis, Amoebic vaginitis, senile vaginitis, infant vaginitis.

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