Germinated potato poisoning

Potato (Solanum tuberosum), commonly known as potato or potato, belongs to the family Solanaceae and contains solanine. The poisonous ingredient is solanine (C45H73O15N), also known as potato toxin, is a weakly alkaline glycoalkaloid, also known as solanine, which is soluble in water and easily decomposed in the presence of acetic acid. . Solanine is corrosive, hemolytic, and has paralytic effects on the motor center and the respiratory center. Per 100 g of potato contains solanin in only 5-10 mg; immature, blue-skinned potatoes or germinated potatoes contain solanin in 25-60 mg, even as high as 430 mg. So a large amount of immature or germinated potatoes can cause acute poisoning.

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