
Dementia refers to the decline of acquired occupational and social skills and obstacles, cognitive decline, memory loss, and loss of visual space skills, orientation, calculation, judgment, etc., in the state of consciousness Loss, personality, emotional and behavioral changes, and a progressive aggravation process. The cause of Pick disease is also unclear, and it may be a dominant genetic disease with polygenic abnormalities. The pathology of Pick's disease is completely different from Alzheimer's disease. It is mainly limited to atrophy of the cortex and can be found in Picker cells and Pick bodies. The disease begins in progressive middle-aged dementia. It is a slow-onset personality change and social decline that leads to a decline in intelligence, memory, and language functions. It may appear indifferent, euphoric, and occasionally extrapyramidal symptoms in the later stages.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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