Newborn fever
Elevated body temperature is a common symptom in the neonatal period. Normal neonatal anal temperature is 36.2 to 37.8 ° C, and the temperature of the underarm is slightly lower than that of the anus, at 36 to 37 ° C. When the neonatal axillary temperature exceeds 37.2 ° C or anal When the temperature exceeds 37.8 ° C, it is called fever. Axillary temperature of 37.5 ~ 38 ℃ is called low fever, 38.1 ~ 39 ℃ is called moderate fever, 39.1 ~ 41 ℃ is called high fever. Above 41 ℃ is called super high fever. Newborns have poor tolerance to high fever. When the body temperature exceeds 40 ° C for a long time, convulsions and permanent brain damage can occur.
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