Hemorrhagic fever

Hemorrhagic fever is an important infectious disease that is harmful to human health. Epidemic hemorrhagic fever, also known as renal syndrome hemorrhagic fever, is a natural epidemic disease caused by an epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus. High rate and great harm. There are 13 types of human viral hemorrhagic fever in the world. According to whether the disease has kidney damage, it is divided into two categories: kidney damage and no kidney damage. Renal syndrome hemorrhage (HFRS) is the main cause in China. Before the pathogen is not resolved, it is called epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) in China; Korean hemorrhagic fever (KHF) in North Korea; hemorrhagic nephritis nephritis (HNN) in Russia; due to the establishment of specific serological diagnosis and the etiology To solve, in 1982 the World Health Organization uniformly named hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. The disease name of epidemic hemorrhagic fever is still used in China.

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