Epidemic encephalitis B (JE) is a central nervous system infectious disease caused by the neurotropic JE virus. The disease is mainly distributed in the Far East of Asia and Southeast Asia. It is transmitted by mosquitoes, and it is more common in summer and autumn. It has clinical onset, including fever, disturbance of consciousness, convulsions, tonic spasm, and meningeal irritation. Sequelae. The mortality and disability of JE are high, and they are one of the major infectious diseases that threaten children's health. Summer and autumn are the peak season of JE, and the distribution of endemic areas is closely related to the distribution of vector mosquitoes. Some patients have severe sequelae, and the mortality of severe patients is higher. Japanese encephalitis was discovered in Japan in 1934 and was named Japanese Japanese encephalitis. In 1939, Japanese encephalitis virus was also isolated in China. After liberation, a large number of investigations and researches were conducted and the name was changed to Japanese encephalitis.

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