Chronic straining low back pain

Chronic strained low back pain, also known as chronic low back muscle strain, is one of the common clinical conditions. Symptomically, it is completely similar to fibritis of the back of the chest or lumbosacral region. Although its occurrence is another reason, it is more common in workers in humid and cold conditions, but it is often difficult to distinguish clinically, unless Based on the characteristics of the medical history. The author thinks that: the difference can be distinguished, because the two have their own emphasis on prevention and treatment; and those who cannot distinguish can be collectively referred to as lumbar muscle strain. The term strain refers to low back pain caused by no obvious trauma. Strains that occur in the waist are called lumbar strains; those that occur in the back are called back strains; those that occur simultaneously are called lumbar and back strains. The two often occur in a continuum, because it occurs gradually, so it is also known as chronic waist and back strain.

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