Enlarged prostate

Prostatic hypertrophy is one of the important lesions of bladder and neck obstruction in men. In terms of its pathology, it is more appropriately called Prostatic Hypertrophy. But the name of prostate hypertrophy is more popular, so it is still used. In addition, there is the name of benign prostatic hypertrophy, which means that it is different from prostate cancer. It does not appear to cause confusion and is omitted. Prostate hypertrophy is a common disease of elderly men. Under the great socialist system of our country, people's living standards have been continuously improved, the average life expectancy has been continuously extended, and the number of cases must be gradually increased. Prostatic hypertrophy is a benign lesion, but due to the obstruction caused by the urinary system, it affects urination, directly threatens kidney function, and brings serious harm to the health and life of patients. And prostate hypertrophy often requires surgery, and the elderly are often accompanied by hypertension, vascular sclerosis, cardiopulmonary insufficiency and other conditions, which does bring a heavy burden to patients. In terms of the incidence of ethnic groups in countries around the world, it is different. The incidence of yellow people is lower than that of white people. White people and black people are about the same. Onset and increase with age; 10% of the cases were 40 to 49 years old, and 20% were 50 to 59 years old.

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