
Macular rash, identification. See Song. Xu Shuwei's "Ninety on Typhoid Fever." Refers to the symptoms of spotted rash on the surface of the skin during fever. In some cases, "spot" and "rash" can be seen at the same time. Macular rash is scattered on the surface of the body, mostly scattered, and it can also appear flaky, or like a cotton pattern. If the hand is outside the hand, it will not hinder the hand. The larger spot is the spot; the shape is as small as corn, slightly higher than the skin, and the first one is the rash. It is necessary to distinguish from the form and color, with looseness, sparseness, and redness as the evil trend; the tight bundle has roots, dense, purple, and black as the evil poison. It is more common in warm and poisonous disease syndromes. In addition to judging the symptoms, the patient's mental condition is also very important. For example, those who have spotted rash and Shen Qingqi are compliant; those who have spotted rash and dizzy slang are severely ill. "Warm and Hot Warp and Weft. Ye Xiangyan Exogenous Fever Diseases" reads: "Spot rashes are all exposed signs of evil qi. Symptoms are caused by invagination, or by internal disturbance in the stomach. See spot, rash.

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