Direct bilirubin to total bilirubin ratio

Calculating the ratio of direct bilirubin to total bilirubin can help identify the type of jaundice. Calculating the ratio of direct bilirubin to total bilirubin helps to identify the type of jaundice. Total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, and indirect bilirubin are all elevated and belong to hepatocellular jaundice, such as acute severe hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis, toxic hepatitis, and liver cancer. Elevated total bilirubin and direct bilirubin are obstructive jaundice, such as biliary stones, biliary obstruction, liver cancer, and pancreatic head cancer. Total bilirubin and indirect bilirubin are elevated and belong to hemolytic jaundice, such as hemolytic anemia, blood group incompatibility blood transfusion, malaria, neonatal jaundice and so on.

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