Treponema pallidum activity test
Treponema pallidum (TP) belongs to the genus Treponema pallidum, which is the pathogen of human syphilis. Syphilis is one of the major sexually transmitted diseases in humans. There are two types of antibodies in the sera of patients with syphilis; one is reactin, which is a mixed antibody of IgA and IgM types, which can react non-specifically with cardiac lipid antigens extracted from mammalian myocardium and has no protective effect on the body, but can be used for serology For diagnostic screening tests. The other type is Treponema pallidum specific antibody, which can inhibit the movement of live Treponema pallidum and kill or dissolve it under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of complement, which can be used for confirmatory experiments on syphilis. The culture of Treponema pallidum is very difficult, so it is mainly diagnosed by serological diagnosis.
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