Quantitative and transparent method for parasite inspection

The quantitative and transparent method of parasite inspection is an auxiliary inspection method for inspecting parasites. The principle is to use quantitative or qualitative thick smear of feces to increase the number of eggs in the field of vision, which can be used for quantitative inspection of eggs. After treatment with glycerin and malachite green, the faecal membrane is transparent, so that the dregs and the eggs have a sharp contrast, which is convenient for light transmission and microscopic examination. Malachite green softens the field of vision to reduce eye fatigue. Suitable for inspecting various worm eggs. The method is simple and the eggs will not be lost during the operation. The effect is better. Hard and thin stools should not be used in this method. Foamy feces form many tiny bubbles under cellophane, hindering microscopy. And can be used for quantitative inspection of eggs. Quantitative and transparent method is suitable for the inspection and counting of worm eggs in various feces. It can measure the worm infection (Wormburden) in the human body, and can also judge the effect of drug deworming. This phase examination can be used to determine the corresponding symptoms.

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